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Wisconsin Zip Codes
City | latitude | longitude | Languages |
Wisconsin | 44.9641 | -90.2994 | en-US,es-US,haw,fr |
Wisconsin Codes
- Abbotsford54405
- Abrams54101
- Adams53910
- Adell53001
- Afton53501
- Albany53502
- Algoma54201
- Allenton53002
- Alma54610
- Alma Center54611
- Almena54805
- Almond54909
- Altoona54720
- Amberg54102
- Amery54001
- Amherst54406
- Amherst Junction54407
- Aniwa54408
- Antigo54409
- Appleton54912
- Appleton54911
- Appleton54914
- Appleton54913
- Appleton54919
- Appleton54915
- Arcadia54612
- Arena53503
- Argonne54511
- Argyle53504
- Arkansaw54721
- Arkdale54613
- Arlington53911
- Armstrong Creek54103
- Arpin54410
- Ashippun53003
- Ashland54806
- Athelstane54104
- Athens54411
- Auburndale54412
- Augusta54722
- Avalon53505
- Avoca53506
- Babcock54413
- Bagley53801
- Baileys Harbor54202
- Baldwin54002
- Balsam Lake54810
- Bancroft54921
- Bangor54614
- Baraboo53913
- Barneveld53507
- Barron54812
- Barronett54813
- Bassett53101
- Bay City54723
- Bayfield54814
- Bear Creek54922
- Beaver Dam53916
- Beetown53802
- Beldenville54003
- Belgium53004
- Belleville53508
- Belmont53510
- Beloit53511
- Beloit53512
- Benet Lake53102
- Benoit54816
- Benton53803
- Berlin54923
- Big Bend53103
- Big Falls54926
- Birchwood54817
- Birnamwood54414
- Black Creek54106
- Black Earth53515
- Black River Falls54615
- Blair54616
- Blanchardville53516
- Blenker54415
- Bloomer54724
- Bloomington53804
- Blue Mounds53517
- Blue River53518
- Bonduel54107
- Boscobel53805
- Boulder Junction54512
- Bowler54416
- Boyceville54725
- Boyd54726
- Brandon53919
- Brantwood54513
- Briggsville53920
- Brill54818
- Brillion54110
- Bristol53104
- Brodhead53520
- Brokaw54417
- Brookfield53008
- Brookfield53005
- Brookfield53045
- Brooklyn53521
- Brownsville53006
- Browntown53522
- Bruce54819
- Brule54820
- Brussels54204
- Bryant54418
- Burlington53105
- Burnett53922
- Butler53007
- Butte Des Morts54927
- Butternut54514
- Cable54821
- Cadott54727
- Caledonia53108
- Cambria53923
- Cambridge53523
- Cameron54822
- Camp Douglas54618
- Camp Lake53109
- Campbellsport53010
- Caroline54928
- Cascade53011
- Casco54205
- Cashton54619
- Cassville53806
- Cataract54620
- Catawba54515
- Cazenovia53924
- Cecil54111
- Cedar Grove53013
- Cedarburg53012
- Centuria54824
- Chaseburg54621
- Chetek54728
- Chili54420
- Chilton53014
- Chippewa Falls54729
- Chippewa Falls54774
- Clam Lake54517
- Clayton54004
- Clear Lake54005
- Cleveland53015
- Clinton53525
- Clintonville54929
- Clyman53016
- Cobb53526
- Cochrane54622
- Colby54421
- Coleman54112
- Colfax54730
- Colgate53017
- Collins54207
- Coloma54930
- Columbus53925
- Combined Locks54113
- Comstock54826
- Conover54519
- Conrath54731
- Coon Valley54623
- Cornell54732
- Cornucopia54827
- Cottage Grove53527
- Couderay54828
- Crandon54520
- Crivitz54114
- Cross Plains53528
- Cuba City53807
- Cudahy53110
- Cumberland54829
- Curtiss54422
- Cushing54006
- Custer54423
- Dale54931
- Dallas54733
- Dalton53926
- Danbury54830
- Dane53529
- Darien53114
- Darlington53530
- De Pere54115
- De Soto54624
- Deer Park54007
- Deerbrook54424
- Deerfield53531
- Deforest53532
- Delafield53018
- Delavan53115
- Dellwood53927
- Denmark54208
- Dickeyville53808
- Dodge54625
- Dodgeville53533
- Dodgeville53595
- Dorchester54425
- Dousman53118
- Downing54734
- Downsville54735
- Doylestown53928
- Dresser54009
- Drummond54832
- Dunbar54119
- Durand54736
- Eagle53119
- Eagle River54521
- East Ellsworth54010
- East Troy53120
- Eastman54626
- Eau Claire54701
- Eau Claire54703
- Eau Claire54702
- Eau Galle54737
- Eden53019
- Edgar54426
- Edgerton53534
- Edgewater54834
- Edmund53535
- Egg Harbor54209
- Eland54427
- Elcho54428
- Elderon54429
- Eldorado54932
- Eleva54738
- Elk Mound54739
- Elkhart Lake53020
- Elkhorn53121
- Ellison Bay54210
- Ellsworth54011
- Elm Grove53122
- Elmwood54740
- Elroy53929
- Elton54430
- Embarrass54933
- Endeavor53930
- Ephraim54211
- Ettrick54627
- Eureka54934
- Evansville53536
- Exeland54835
- Fairchild54741
- Fairwater53931
- Fall Creek54742
- Fall River53932
- Fence54120
- Fennimore53809
- Ferryville54628
- Fifield54524
- Fish Creek54212
- Florence54121
- Fond Du Lac54935
- Fond Du Lac54936
- Fond Du Lac54937
- Fontana53125
- Footville53537
- Forest Junction54123
- Forestville54213
- Fort Atkinson53538
- Fountain City54629
- Fox Lake53933
- Foxboro54836
- Francis Creek54214
- Franklin53132
- Franksville53126
- Frederic54837
- Fredonia53021
- Freedom54131
- Fremont54940
- Friendship53934
- Friesland53935
- Galesville54630
- Galloway54432
- Gays Mills54631
- Genesee Depot53127
- Genoa54632
- Genoa City53128
- Germantown53022
- Gile54525
- Gillett54124
- Gilman54433
- Gilmanton54743
- Gleason54435
- Glen Flora54526
- Glen Haven53810
- Glenbeulah53023
- Glenwood City54013
- Glidden54527
- Goodman54125
- Gordon54838
- Gotham53540
- Grafton53024
- Grand Marsh53936
- Grand View54839
- Granton54436
- Grantsburg54840
- Gratiot53541
- Green Bay54306
- Green Bay54302
- Green Bay54304
- Green Bay54307
- Green Bay54311
- Green Bay54344
- Green Bay54305
- Green Bay54324
- Green Bay54303
- Green Bay54313
- Green Bay54308
- Green Bay54301
- Green Lake54941
- Green Valley54127
- Greenbush53026
- Greendale53129
- Greenleaf54126
- Greenville54942
- Greenwood54437
- Gresham54128
- Hager City54014
- Hales Corners53130
- Hammond54015
- Hancock54943
- Hannibal54439
- Hanover53542
- Harshaw54529
- Hartford53027
- Hartland53029
- Hatley54440
- Haugen54841
- Hawkins54530
- Hawthorne54842
- Hayward54843
- Hazel Green53811
- Hazelhurst54531
- Heafford Junction54532
- Helenville53137
- Herbster54844
- Hertel54845
- Hewitt54441
- High Bridge54846
- Highland53543
- Hilbert54129
- Hillpoint53937
- Hillsboro54634
- Hingham53031
- Hixton54635
- Holcombe54745
- Hollandale53544
- Holmen54636
- Honey Creek53138
- Horicon53032
- Hortonville54944
- Houlton54082
- Hubertus53033
- Hudson54016
- Humbird54746
- Hurley54534
- Hustisford53034
- Hustler54637
- Independence54747
- Iola54945
- Iola54990
- Irma54442
- Iron Belt54536
- Iron Ridge53035
- Iron River54847
- Ixonia53036
- Jackson53037
- Janesville53548
- Janesville53546
- Janesville53545
- Janesville53547
- Jefferson53549
- Jim Falls54748
- Johnson Creek53038
- Juda53550
- Jump River54434
- Junction City54443
- Juneau53039
- Kansasville53139
- Kaukauna54130
- Kellnersville54215
- Kendall54638
- Kennan54537
- Kenosha53142
- Kenosha53140
- Kenosha53144
- Kenosha53143
- Kenosha53141
- Keshena54135
- Kewaskum53040
- Kewaunee54216
- Kiel53042
- Kieler53812
- Kimberly54136
- King54946
- Kingston53939
- Knapp54749
- Kohler53044
- Krakow54137
- La Crosse54601
- La Crosse54603
- La Crosse54602
- La Farge54639
- La Pointe54850
- La Valle53941
- Lac Du Flambeau54538
- Ladysmith54848
- Lake Delton53940
- Lake Geneva53147
- Lake Mills53551
- Lake Nebagamon54849
- Lake Tomahawk54539
- Lakewood54138
- Lancaster53813
- Land O Lakes54540
- Lannon53046
- Laona54541
- Larsen54947
- Lebanon53047
- Lena54139
- Leopolis54948
- Lime Ridge53942
- Linden53553
- Little Chute54140
- Little Suamico54141
- Livingston53554
- Lodi53555
- Loganville53943
- Lomira53048
- Lone Rock53556
- Long Lake54542
- Lowell53557
- Loyal54446
- Lublin54447
- Luck54853
- Luxemburg54217
- Lyndon Station53944
- Lynxville54640
- Lyons53148
- Madison53718
- Madison53725
- Madison53784
- Madison53790
- Madison53716
- Madison53706
- Madison53792
- Madison53793
- Madison53789
- Madison53713
- Madison53717
- Madison53778
- Madison53782
- Madison53701
- Madison53786
- Madison53708
- Madison53711
- Madison53714
- Madison53777
- Madison53788
- Madison53703
- Madison53774
- Madison53707
- Madison53726
- Madison53785
- Madison53791
- Madison53705
- Madison53702
- Madison53744
- Madison53704
- Madison53779
- Madison53783
- Madison53719
- Madison53794
- Madison53715
- Maiden Rock54750
- Malone53049
- Manawa54949
- Manitowish Waters54545
- Manitowoc54221
- Manitowoc54220
- Maple54854
- Maplewood54226
- Marathon54448
- Marengo54855
- Maribel54227
- Marinette54143
- Marion54950
- Markesan53946
- Marquette53947
- Marshall53559
- Marshfield54404
- Marshfield54449
- Marshfield54472
- Mason54856
- Mather54641
- Mattoon54450
- Mauston53948
- Mayville53050
- Mazomanie53560
- Mc Farland53558
- Mc Naughton54543
- Medford54451
- Mellen54546
- Melrose54642
- Menasha54952
- Menomonee Falls53052
- Menomonee Falls53051
- Menomonie54751
- Mequon53092
- Mequon53097
- Mercer54547
- Merrill54452
- Merrillan54754
- Merrimac53561
- Merton53056
- Middleton53562
- Mikana54857
- Milladore54454
- Millston54643
- Milltown54858
- Milton53563
- Milwaukee53201
- Milwaukee53204
- Milwaukee53202
- Milwaukee53228
- Milwaukee53214
- Milwaukee53226
- Milwaukee53206
- Milwaukee53259
- Milwaukee53268
- Milwaukee53290
- Milwaukee53237
- Milwaukee53274
- Milwaukee53209
- Milwaukee53211
- Milwaukee53203
- Milwaukee53205
- Milwaukee53207
- Milwaukee53221
- Milwaukee53213
- Milwaukee53224
- Milwaukee53263
- Milwaukee53267
- Milwaukee53220
- Milwaukee53218
- Milwaukee53210
- Milwaukee53225
- Milwaukee53208
- Milwaukee53234
- Milwaukee53216
- Milwaukee53217
- Milwaukee53278
- Milwaukee53215
- Milwaukee53219
- Milwaukee53233
- Milwaukee53222
- Milwaukee53295
- Milwaukee53223
- Milwaukee53293
- Milwaukee53212
- Milwaukee53227
- Milwaukee53288
- Mindoro54644
- Mineral Point53565
- Minocqua54548
- Minong54859
- Mishicot54228
- Mondovi54755
- Monroe53566
- Montello53949
- Montfort53569
- Monticello53570
- Montreal54550
- Morrisonville53571
- Mosinee54455
- Mount Calvary53057
- Mount Hope53816
- Mount Horeb53572
- Mount Sterling54645
- Mountain54149
- Mukwonago53149
- Muscoda53573
- Muskego53150
- Nashotah53058
- Necedah54646
- Neenah54956
- Neenah54957
- Neillsville54456
- Nekoosa54457
- Nelson54756
- Nelsonville54458
- Neopit54150
- Neosho53059
- Neshkoro54960
- New Auburn54757
- New Berlin53146
- New Berlin53151
- New Franken54229
- New Glarus53574
- New Holstein53061
- New Holstein53062
- New Lisbon53950
- New London54961
- New Munster53152
- New Richmond54017
- Newburg53060
- Newton53063
- Niagara54151
- Nichols54152
- North Freedom53951
- North Lake53064
- North Prairie53153
- Norwalk54648
- Oak Creek53154
- Oakdale54649
- Oakfield53065
- Oconomowoc53066
- Oconto54153
- Oconto Falls54154
- Odanah54861
- Ogdensburg54962
- Ogema54459
- Ojibwa54862
- Okauchee53069
- Omro54963
- Onalaska54650
- Oneida54155
- Ontario54651
- Oostburg53070
- Oregon53575
- Orfordville53576
- Osceola54020
- Oshkosh54902
- Oshkosh54906
- Oshkosh54903
- Oshkosh54904
- Oshkosh54901
- Osseo54758
- Owen54460
- Oxford53952
- Packwaukee53953
- Palmyra53156
- Pardeeville53954
- Park Falls54552
- Patch Grove53817
- Pearson54462
- Pelican Lake54463
- Pell Lake53157
- Pembine54156
- Pepin54759
- Peshtigo54157
- Pewaukee53072
- Phelps54554
- Phillips54555
- Phlox54464
- Pickerel54465
- Pickett54964
- Pigeon Falls54760
- Pine River54965
- Pittsville54466
- Plain53577
- Plainfield54966
- Platteville53818
- Pleasant Prairie53158
- Plover54467
- Plum City54761
- Plymouth53073
- Poplar54864
- Port Edwards54469
- Port Washington53074
- Port Wing54865
- Portage53901
- Porterfield54159
- Potosi53820
- Potter54160
- Pound54161
- Powers Lake53159
- Poy Sippi54967
- Poynette53955
- Prairie Du Chien53821
- Prairie Du Sac53578
- Prairie Farm54762
- Prentice54556
- Prescott54021
- Presque Isle54557
- Princeton54968
- Pulaski54162
- Racine53401
- Racine53408
- Racine53404
- Racine53407
- Racine53405
- Racine53403
- Racine53406
- Racine53402
- Radisson54867
- Randolph53956
- Randolph53957
- Random Lake53075
- Readfield54969
- Readstown54652
- Redgranite54970
- Reedsburg53958
- Reedsburg53959
- Reedsville54230
- Reeseville53579
- Rewey53580
- Rhinelander54501
- Rib Lake54470
- Rice Lake54868
- Richfield53076
- Richland Center53581
- Ridgeland54763
- Ridgeway53582
- Ringle54471
- Rio53960
- Ripon54971
- River Falls54022
- Roberts54023
- Rochester53167
- Rock Falls54764
- Rock Springs53961
- Rockland54653
- Rosendale54974
- Rosholt54473
- Rothschild54474
- Rubicon53078
- Rudolph54475
- Saint Cloud53079
- Saint Croix Falls54024
- Saint Francis53235
- Saint Germain54558
- Saint Nazianz54232
- Salem53168
- Sand Creek54765
- Sarona54870
- Sauk City53583
- Saukville53080
- Saxeville54976
- Saxon54559
- Sayner54560
- Scandinavia54977
- Schofield54476
- Seneca54654
- Sextonville53584
- Seymour54165
- Sharon53585
- Shawano54166
- Sheboygan53081
- Sheboygan53082
- Sheboygan53083
- Sheboygan Falls53085
- Sheldon54766
- Shell Lake54871
- Sherwood54169
- Shiocton54170
- Shullsburg53586
- Silver Lake53170
- Sinsinawa53824
- Siren54872
- Sister Bay54234
- Slinger53086
- Sobieski54171
- Soldiers Grove54655
- Solon Springs54873
- Somers53171
- Somerset54025
- South Milwaukee53172
- South Range54874
- South Wayne53587
- Sparta54656
- Spencer54479
- Spooner54801
- Spring Green53588
- Spring Valley54767
- Springbrook54875
- Springfield53176
- Stanley54768
- Star Lake54561
- Star Prairie54026
- Stetsonville54480
- Steuben54657
- Stevens Point54481
- Stevens Point54492
- Stevens Point54482
- Stitzer53825
- Stockbridge53088
- Stockholm54769
- Stoddard54658
- Stone Lake54876
- Stoughton53589
- Stratford54484
- Strum54770
- Sturgeon Bay54235
- Sturtevant53177
- Suamico54173
- Sullivan53178
- Summit Lake54485
- Sun Prairie53596
- Sun Prairie53590
- Superior54880
- Suring54174
- Sussex53089
- Taylor54659
- Theresa53091
- Thorp54771
- Three Lakes54562
- Tigerton54486
- Tilleda54978
- Tisch Mills54240
- Tomah54660
- Tomahawk54487
- Tony54563
- Townsend54175
- Trego54888
- Trempealeau54661
- Trevor53179
- Tripoli54564
- Tunnel City54662
- Turtle Lake54889
- Twin Lakes53181
- Two Rivers54241
- Union Center53962
- Union Grove53182
- Unity54488
- Upson54565
- Valders54245
- Van Dyne54979
- Verona53593
- Vesper54489
- Viola54664
- Viroqua54665
- Wabeno54566
- Waldo53093
- Wales53183
- Walworth53184
- Warrens54666
- Wascott54890
- Washburn54891
- Washington Island54246
- Waterford53185
- Waterloo53594
- Watertown53098
- Watertown53094
- Waukau54980
- Waukesha53189
- Waukesha53187
- Waukesha53188
- Waukesha53186
- Waunakee53597
- Waupaca54981
- Waupun53963
- Wausau54401
- Wausau54402
- Wausau54403
- Wausaukee54177
- Wautoma54982
- Wauzeka53826
- Webster54893
- West Bend53095
- West Bend53090
- West Salem54669
- Westboro54490
- Westby54667
- Westfield53964
- Weyauwega54983
- Weyerhaeuser54895
- Wheeler54772
- White Lake54491
- Whitehall54773
- Whitelaw54247
- Whitewater53190
- Wild Rose54984
- Willard54493
- Williams Bay53191
- Wilmot53192
- Wilson54027
- Wilton54670
- Windsor53598
- Winnebago54985
- Winneconne54986
- Winter54896
- Wisconsin Dells53965
- Wisconsin Rapids54495
- Wisconsin Rapids54494
- Withee54498
- Wittenberg54499
- Wonewoc53968
- Woodford53599
- Woodland53099
- Woodman53827
- Woodruff54568
- Woodville54028
- Woodworth53194
- Wrightstown54180
- Wyocena53969
- Zachow54182
- Zenda53195
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